West Bohemian Branch

Sun and Moon Eclipses

Sun eclipses and also Moon eclipses are ones of the most exciting and visible show which we can see on firmamental. In the oldest extant records are eclipses mostly recorded observation. In the nowadays it could also prove enthuse not only astronomers, but almost all people. In the undermentioned articles are described observation and expedition arranged by the West Bohemian Branch of the Czech Astronomical Society, sometimes to the long-distance countries.

Sun Eclipses Moon Eclipses

Time behaviour of Total Solar Eclipse
Time behaviour of Total Solar Eclipse

How eclipses arise, more information about eclipses and another interests can be found at web pages of Observatory in Rokycany (in czech language).

Author: Rostislav Medlín
Last update: 28. 8. 2008

© 2006-2024 West Bohemian Branch of Czech Astronomical Society