West Bohemian Branch

Basic information

The West Bohemia Branch is part of the Czech Astronomical Society. Currently it have almost 50 members and it collects amateur astronomers and friends of astronomy not only from West Bohemia, but also from Prague, České Budějovice and other corners of our country. Our publications monthly include the long-standing, Astronomical Information ZpCAS, which includes a private appendix ZaCAS designed to branch members.

Group leaders also support astronomical activity of their members, periodically organizing meetings and excursions to astronomically interesting places and astronomical weekends under sky. Branch popularizing astronomy in West Bohemia and promote the Czech Astronomical Society.

On December 1st 2006, a new design for the West Bohemia Branch pages was introduced. Important pages and topics have been transferred to this new layout and it will be updated more in the future. Old version of our pages are still awailable, but only in czech language and they was not updated. Use link http://www.astro.zcu.cz/old/index.html

English and German versions are available, but not for all articles; only basic information about our branch and astronomical images are included. If You want you can try automatic translate systems like Google Translate.

© 2006-2024 West Bohemian Branch of Czech Astronomical Society